Friday, May 22, 2020

Race And Racial Profiling And Gender Issues On The Basis...

Introduction Spanish was my first language growing up but when I began to speak English my Spanish accent transpired. I was placed in bilingual classes to assist me in pronouncing English words. Recalling on those memories had me wonder if they were my first experience feeling different. It wasn’t until I got to middle school and high school that I became aware of race separation because students grouped culturally and linguistically. I was not well informed of the purpose of the L.A. riots until I saw the police brutality video. It became evident after 9/11 and the Arizona SB 1070 act that race and racial profiling became a great issue. Throughout this paper my hope is to understand ideas surrounding race and gender issues on the basis†¦show more content†¦The intention was not to lower my self-esteem but to protect my image as a young girl and build my confidence. Gender roles were merely distinguished by knowing how to cook, laundry, appearance and speech. A couple of remarks made by my father and mother for example was, â€Å"you should know how to cook because how are you going to feed your children and husband?†, â€Å"be aware how you speak and look because men are going to think negatively about you†. Statements differentiated gender roles and how to behave based on gender. Previously on my Theory of Me paper I discussed how important respect is in my family and zero tolerance for disrespect. The only discussion I had growing up regarding age was respect towards adults and the elder. Sexual health or sexual orientation was the last thing my parents did not talk to me about. It may have been influenced from embarrassment and boundaries of what not to talk about. Social Media Influences Growing up I did recognize my peers being different from me in physical appearance and language. Music was an influence how I understood cultural diversity by listening to the lyrics, the depiction of music videos, outfits, artists, and choreography. Television portrayed African Americans and Latino characters as a criminal compared to Caucasian characters who were the hero. I did not understand why the African American or the Latino character continuously got shot in every movie until I saw the film â€Å"Mi

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